
Chiropractic Care

20+ Years of Experience  |  Family-Owned Business  |  Custom Treatment Plans

20+ Years of Experience
Family-Owned Business
Custom Treatment Plans

Stretching and Exercise

Stretching is often times one of the best ways to loosen up tight muscles. Complaints of tight muscles often occur in the upper back and shoulders as well as in the hip and pelvic musculature.

The following stretches are the ones we most commonly prescribe at Chiropractic First to patients, due to the fact that these are the most common muscles that are overused and tight on most individuals.

Stretches are a great adjunct to chiropractic adjustments. Oftentimes, musculature becomes tightened to the point of causing tension on the vertebrae, which can cause the vertebrae to subluxate (misalign). Keeping muscles loose and relaxed will help you hold your adjustments better and make you feel better.

Helpful Types of Exercises

  • Upper trapezius stretch: Begin by placing your right hand behind your back. Your left hand will be placed above your ear and will pull your neck toward your left shoulder. This stretch should be held for 10-15 seconds. Repeat on the other side of the body.
  • Levator scapulae stretch: Begin by placing your left hand on your shoulder blade. Your right hand will be placed on top of your head just slightly above and behind your ear. The right hand will pull your neck towards your right chest wall. This stretch should be held for 10-15 seconds. Repeat on the other side of the body.
  • Piriformis stretch: Begin by sitting on a solid surface (a carpeted floor or mat works just fine). Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left leg over the top of your right thigh. Use your right arm to place pressure on your left leg, pulling the left leg toward your right hip joint. The stretch should be felt in the upper gluteal and hip area. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
  • Hip flexor stretch: Begin by placing your body in a deep lunge. Your right leg will be in front of your left leg. Extend left leg behind you keeping the hip joint as straight as possible while lunging deeper on the right side. The stretch will be felt in the front of your left hip joint. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.

Back and Neck Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent pain conditions in America. At any given time, it is estimated that 30 million people are suffering from back pain. In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to a doctor’s office (the first reason being upper respiratory infections).

Most back pain is due to mechanical or non-organic causes – meaning they are not fractures, cancer or infection. Although chiropractors do more than treat back pain, it is one of the most common reasons that people visit a chiropractic office.

The back is a complex structure of bones, ligaments, joints and muscles. Ligaments can be sprained, muscles can be strained, disks may rupture and joints may inflame. All of these conditions will cause pain in the back. Sports injuries and accidents are common causes of back pain, but arthritis, poor posture, obesity and stress also significantly contribute to back pain.

Chiropractors address back and neck pain by adjusting the spine. Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective for treating spinal pain. It reduces pain, decreases the need for medication and enhances physical therapy.

The Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research has recently stated that low back pain sufferers choose the most conservative care first. It also stated that chiropractic care was the only safe and effective drugless form of initial professional treatment of low back pain.

Upon arriving for your appointment, you will discuss your health history with Dr. Petermeier. This will help determine the cause of your pain and help develop the best treatment for you and your spine.
Back pain

Tips to Help Prevent Back Pain

  • Consume healthy foods and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stretch and warm up before activities such as gardening and snow shoveling (see stretching and exercise).
  • Avoid sedentary behaviors.
  • Use proper posture.
  • When lifting, bend at the knees, lift with the knees and keep the object you are lifting close to your body.
  • Quit smoking, smoking deprives spinal tissue of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Wear comfortable, low heeled shoes.
  • Use a side lying sleeping position on a medium firm mattress.
  • Stay physically active under the supervision of your doctor.
For gentle, effective chiropractic care, 
call 701-298-7778.
Chiropractic First is locally owned in Fargo, ND.
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