Chiropractic care has been an established practice for well over 100 years. The approach is simple: the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself when it is functioning optimally. On occasion, due to an injury or even daily routines, the body is unable to heal adequately due to interference. This interference may be as simple as a vertebral subluxation.
A vertebral subluxation occurs when a vertebra (bone of the spine) misaligns and places stress or pressure on the nerve roots exiting the spinal cord. Pressure or stress on a nerve root not only causes pain at the site of the subluxation but also in the surrounding tissue. Nerve pressure also interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses which can be detrimental to our overall physiological functions.
To put it simply, nerves carry messages to every single muscle, joint and organ in the body. If a nerve root is being compressed by a misaligned vertebra (subluxation), the corresponding muscle, organ or any other cell type will not receive an adequate nerve impulse and will therefore not function at 100% capacity.
Chiropractors look for these subluxations and adjust the spine to remove the interference, thus restoring proper function to the body. Find the relief you're looking for at Chiropractic First. Call 701-298-7778 today to schedule your appointment.